Cleaning checklist for hirers
To ensure the enjoyment of all our users, the hall committee asks that all hirers tidy the hall (just the areas used during the booking) after use using the following checklist:
Main hall:
☐ Sweep floor (brushes can be found in the cleaning cupboard in the lobby to the men’s toilet)
☐ Wipe up any spills
☐ Remove any decorations around the hall or items from noticeboards
☐ Wipe tables and put away into chair cupboard
☐ Put chairs away into chair cupboard – stack no more than 12 high
☐ Return music speaker to chair cupboard if used
Blue room (coffee lounge):
☐ Hoover floor (hoover can be found in the cleaning cupboard in the lobby to the men’s toilet
☐ Wipe up any spills
☐ Remove any decorations around the room
☐ Wipe table and fold up / store against wall (additional tables should be folded and put away in the main hall chair cupboard – if there is someone using the main hall, tables can be stored in the small room off the main hall)
☐ Put chairs away – stack no more than 6 high
☐ Wash any MCA dishes / cutlery – dry and put away
☐ Empty bin if used and put bin bag in correct wheely bin
☐ Put any recycling into correct wheely bin
☐ Take any glass bottles home please – they cannot be put into recycling bin
☐ Empty fridge
☐ Wipe surfaces
☐ Ensure cooker and microwave are clean
☐ Close hatches to main hall and blue room
☐ Wipe any spillages from floor and sweep up any crumbs (there is a small dustpan and brush under the sink)
☐ Pick up any items from floor
☐ Ensure all toilets are flushed and taps are switched off
☐ Wipe up any spills
☐ Switch off all heaters
☐ Switch off all lights
☐ Lock any store doors but leave doors to rooms unlocked
☐ Close / lock any windows
☐ Ensure fire exit door from main hall is closed
☐ Lock main door and return key to key-safe (unless you have been issued your own key)